Hornton News
Hornton Church

Church Services

There will be an 11am service in Hornton Methodist Church on Sunday, February 19. As this is a United Service and everyone is invited, there will be no separate service in the parish church.

The Ironstone Benefice will hold a special Ash Wednesday service in Wroxton next week at 6pm on February 22. During this service, worshippers we have the option of having a cross on their foreheads drawn with ash.

On Saturday week, February 25, spiritual director Ruth Traynar will lead a quiet day from 10am to 3.30pm at Hornton Methodist Church to help Christians to prepare themselves for Lent. There is no charge for this day although but donations towards the expenses for Ruth and the church.

There are two Lent groups this year – one in Horley on a Wednesday afternoon and another in Wroxton Rectory on a Tuesday morning.